The Green Party’s Demand for the ERA!

The Green Party calls on President Biden to confirm and publish the Equal Rights Amendment in the US Constitution!

Please join us in our demand for the ERA!

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is the duly ratified 28th Constitutional Amendment that guarantees equal rights to all people regardless of sex.

The ERA might be our last chance to protect abortion rights before Trump takes office.

The constitutional requirements have already been met:

• The US House approved the ERA in 1971 with a bipartisan vote of 354–24. The Senate approved it in 1972 by another bipartisan vote of 84-8.

• In January 2020, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the ERA, which means that 3/4 of all the states have ratified it.

So why isn’t the ERA in the Constitution now? Because Trump blocked it.

President Biden can unblock it. He can do so now in his remaining time in the White House.

Extending protections under the ERA is the most important thing President Biden can do right now.

The ERA has widespread support among registered Democrats and Republicans. The Green Party of the US endorses the ERA in its platform: “We support the equal application of the Constitution of the United States of America to all citizens, and therefore call for passage of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).” (

Please Write, Text, Email, or Call the President Now! Here’s a sample Message/Letter:

Dear President Biden,

Article II.S3.3.1 requires you to ensure the National Archivist publishes fully ratified amendments to the US Constitution. Please do not leave office before you direct her to add the fully ratified 28th Amendment, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), into the US Constitution, where it belongs.

As you know, the ERA ensures equality for all genders, equal pay, reproductive rights, and marriage equality.

There is a national outcry for you to save our basic equality and human rights. Project 2025 will roll back these rights even further unless you act now.

Congress and the states have spoken. The People of the USA have spoken. 85% of Americans still want the ERA.

Please publish the ERA immediately.

Sign with your Name/Signature and Address

Email through the Online Form:

Write a letter: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500

Call: 202-456-1111 to leave a message for the President

Text: 302-404-0880

National Texting & Writing Mobilizations:

December 6th: Major national push to text 302-404-0880 to overwhelm the White House with a tidal wave of texts

December 10th: Same tidal wave but with emails and letters to the White House


Watch a video of an ERA Panel featuring attorney, ERA advocate, and professor of sexual violence law, Wendy Murphy, as well as Dr. Jill Stein and others offering extensive information on the ERA.

See the ERA’s history and timeline HERE.

#greenparty #womensequality

Media Outreach Workshop for Greens

Green Party Media Workshop covers all aspects of outreach to news media: press releases, press conferences, contacting reporters, and much more. We also talk about social media and video and brainstorm ideas. A link to a media guideline is provided:

We encourage Greens, especially candidates and campaign organizers, to promote their campaigns and Green Parties through the news media.

“If the media and public don’t know about you, you don’t exist.”

Media Workshop for Greens
Time: Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Presenter: Scott McLarty, Green Party media director

Green Party Voter’s Guide 2024

Statewide Initiatives

Vote No on I-2066

Vote No on I-2109

Vote No on I-2117

Vote No on I-2124

U.S. President / Vice President

Jill Stein / Rudolph Ware (Green Party)

Federal Candidates

U.S. Senator: The Green Party has no preferred candidate in this race.

U.S. Representatives: The Green Party has no preferred candidates in these races, except as listed below:

U.S. Representative, Congressional District 9

Melissa Chaudhry for US Representative – Congressional District 9

[Melissa Chaudhry is not running with the Green Party or endorsed by the Green Party. She is our preferred candidate.]

Statewide and Legislative Candidates

The following statewide and legislative candidates are not running with the Green Party or endorsed by the Green Party. They are listed as our preferred candidates:

Commissioner of Public Lands:

The Green Party encourages a vote for Dave Upthegove for Commissioner of Public Lands.

Insurance Commissioner:

The Green Party encourages a vote for Patty Kuderer for Insurance Commissioner.

State Representative, District 43, Position 2: 

While not a Green Party member, Shaun Scott is running as a community organizer and is aligned with the Green Party’s 10 Key Values. The Green Party encourages a vote for Shaun Scott for State Representative.

Other State Legislative Positions: The Green Party has no preferred candidates in these races.

Vote YES on Proposition 1 – Keep Seattle Moving! – Transportation Levy, City of Seattle

Consider endorsements and supporters of the following organizations:

Here is a longer list of Allied Organizations.

Looking for endorsements or Green Party write-in candidates?

Currently, the Green Party is focused on initiative campaigns (Universal Healthcare, Ranked-Choice Voting), solidarity efforts, mutual aid, and building Left Unity. While we have no local Green Party members actively campaigning for federal, statewide, or legislative office at this time, we hope to have candidates running for City Councils, Conservation Districts, and other local offices next year in preparation for building a serious statewide run in 2026, especially if we can get Ranked Choice Voting enacted soon.

If you or someone you know is interested in running for office in 2025 or 2026, now is a good time to start thinking about it and get involved!

Green Party of Washington State, PO Box 70493, Seattle, WA 98127


Solidarity with Boeing Workers on Strike!

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein and running mate Butch Ware show solidarity with the workers on strike at Boeing!

Join the picket lines with Jill Stein, Butch Ware, Kshama Sawant, and Workers Strike Back on Thursday afternoon, 9/19/2024 at Ace Aviation, 289 E Perimeter Rd, Renton.

On Friday, 9/20/2024, Jill Stein and Butch Ware will join a panel at Raisbeck Hall (2015 Boren Ave, Seattle) with local and national Black Panther Party leaders to discuss Black community issues. This event is open to the public.

On Saturday, 9/21/2024, Jill and Butch will join the Rally and Fundraiser Music Festival at Seward Park from 5 PM to close.

Jill Stein and Butch Ware will also gather with local Greens on Saturday morning, 9/21/2024 (10 AM – 12 noon). More info here!

Last week, Boeing machinists represented by IAM 751 walked out after their contract expired and 96% of Boeing workers voted to strike for higher wages.

The workers on strike are standing up for their right to be compensated fairly for their hard work. The Green Party of Washington commends their courage and insistence on respect, and they deserve our full support. Higher pay for Boeing workers sets a higher pay standard for all workers in our region: a high school graduate whose workplace is not unionized but whose industry is 25% unionized is paid 5% more than similar workers in less unionized industries.

As Greens in Washington, our solidarity is crucial. We have an opportunity to make an outsized impact here in Washington by showing our support:

  1. Join the Picket Lines: If you are able, please consider joining the workers on the picket lines wearing GREEN! Your presence will not only show your support but also strengthen the solidarity between the Green and Labor movements. Remember to bring food, water, and a sign! Picket lines will be ongoing during work hours at Boeing offices and plants throughout Washington including but not limited to:
    1. Boeing Auburn Machine Fabrication MBU
    2. Boeing Renton Factory – Join Jill Stein, Butch Ware, Kshama Sawant, and Workers Strike Back Thursday afternoon, 9/19/2024 (~ 4:30 PM) 
    3. Boeing Airfield in Seattle
    4. Boeing Everett Factory
  2. Spread the Word: Use your social media platforms and personal networks to raise awareness about the strike and the issues at stake. Consider writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper in support of the striking workers. The more people understand the importance of this struggle, the stronger the bargaining position of the workers.
  3. Contribute to Strike Funds: Many workers, particularly newer workers, are facing financial hardships during the strike. Contributions to strike funds can help provide essential support to those in need. The Green Party of Washington has agreed to match all donations up to $1,000 to our Boeing Workers Strike Support Fundraiser here:

Look for updates from the Green Party of Washington about additional solidarity efforts to support Boeing workers as the strike unfolds.

Our solidarity is a powerful tool in this life-or-death fight. By standing together, we can help ensure that the workers at Boeing and beyond achieve the fair treatment they deserve. Let us show them we are united in our support and committed to fighting for their rights.

In solidarity,



Twitter/X: @GreenPartyWA

Facebook: @GreenPartyWA

Instagram: @greenpartyofwashington

Donations to GPWA are always appreciated and put to good use!


Green Party Ballot Access – 2024


UPDATE – AUGUST 13, 2024: The Green Party has received confirmation we are on the Washington State ballot for the 2024 Presidential election!

Updates here:


The Green Party of Washington State will hold a Nominating Convention to select electors and gather signatures to nominate our Green Party Presidential candidate.

During our meetings, we will select our Washington State electors and gather the required 1,000+ signatures from Washington voters to place our Green Party Presidential candidate on the November General Election ballot.

–> Download and print the Green Party Nominating Petition

Print out this Nominating Petition on standard white paper, single-sided. All signatures must be gathered and submitted on the paper petition form. Signatures must be provided with pen on paper; digital or digitized signatures will not be accepted.

Full names, signatures, and mailing addresses must match the Secretary of State voter registration records. Only valid signatures from people who are registered to vote in Washington State will be counted.

Send your completed petition forms to –> 

Green Party of Washington, PO Box 70493, Seattle, WA 98127

Email us at with any questions about signing the petition or turning in your completed forms.

Green Party supporters who wish to participate and gather petition signatures are welcome to attend any meeting of our Nominating Convention.



Do you think democracy would be better served with more choices on the ballot? [Yes, of course!]

–> If so, then please sign our petition.

When will the Green Party Presidential nominee be selected?

–> The Green Party nominees for President and Vice President will be selected at the GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention in August 2024.

How can someone attend the Green Party Nominating Convention?

–> To attend a convention and sign a petition, please ask your local Green Party chapter or send us an email (see above).

What does it mean to “support” the nominees?

–> The petition states, “I support with my signature the nominees listed above”. This can be interpreted to mean, “I support listing the Green Party nominees on the ballot”. There is no need for anyone to promise a vote for the candidates when signing the petition.

Can a person register to vote on the same date they sign the petition?

–> YES. You may register to vote online at or print a voter registration form here: If you complete the voter registration form on paper, send it by postal mail to your county elections office (address provided on the form).

Can I sign the Green Party nominating petition if I voted in the WA State Presidential Primary (for Major Parties)?

–> YES. To clarify, the reference to signing a ‘nominating petition’ pertains only to other nominating PETITIONS, and not to participation in the Washington State Presidential Primary. If you vote in the presidential primary election, you can still sign this petition. (More information on this topic from 2020.)

Where can I find more information on the Nominating Convention requirements for Washington State?

Direct links to information from the Secretary of State:

Minor Party & Independent Presidential Candidates – 2024 

How can I apply to become an Elector?

–> Please download the pledge form (contained within the Minor Party & Independent Presidential Candidates document (linked above), print it out, write in “Green” Party, print and sign your name, and mail it to our PO Box address above. If you are selected as one of our designated Green Party electors, your name, mailing address, and signed pledge form will be submitted to the WA Secretary of State. The list of Green Party electors, including names and mailing addresses, is maintained by the Secretary of State as a public record.

How can I get more information?

–> Please email with your questions.

Volunteers – click here for a sample script to call Green Party supporters.

Download the Green Party WA brochure

GPUS Presidential Campaign Support Committee

GPUS Ballot Access Committee

PNC Delegates Approved

Washington State has four delegates to the GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention, which will take place online August 15-18, 2024.

Nominations for all positions were made at our 2024 Spring Gathering on March 3, 2024.

Green Party of Washington members voted in this election, from 3/10/2024 through 3/24/2024, to approve the GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention delegates and alternates below.

Delegates to GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention

Noah Martin

Margaret Elisabeth

Starlene Rankin

Alice Green

Alternates to GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention

Jason Call

Lisa Canar

Georgia Davenport

Marc Mixon

GPWA Presidential Nomination Vote

Jill Stein in Seattle – February 27th!

Support our Party and welcome Jill Stein to Seattle!

Join us at Raisbeck Performance Hall, 2015 Boren Ave, Seattle


Healthcare Forum with Whole Washington

2 pm – 4 pm

Join Whole Washington and the Green Party of Washington on Tuesday, Feb 27th for a panel forum with Green Party Presidential Candidate Dr. Jill Stein, Green Party Congressional Candidate (WA02) & Whole Washington Board member Jason Call (also Stein’s Campaign Manager), and other single-payer healthcare activists.



Jill Stein Campaign Fundraiser

7 pm – 8:30 pm

Join us for an evening with Green Party Presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein, starting at 7 PM. Refreshments will be served!

6 PM – Donor circle – limited attendance – to attend the donor circle, please donate when you RSVP to attend. After you RSVP for the event, you will be offered the opportunity to donate.

7 PM – Event and fundraiser open to all attendees



Help Decide the Greens’ Presidential Candidate

The Green Party of Washington State will hold an early Spring Gathering to consider statements from Green Party presidential candidates and to receive nominations for our Coordinating Council and GPUS delegations. We will meet on Sunday, March 3, 2024, from 6 PM – 8:30 PM on Zoom.

The meeting agenda will be posted soon!

Register to attend:

All Green Party members will be able to vote for the GPWA Coordinating Council, GPUS delegates, and the presidential candidate of their choice, via online ballot, following the Spring Gathering — between March 10th – March 24th.

Check your membership status:

If your membership has lapsed, you can renew it here:


Links to Presidential candidate videos and questionnaires:

Jasmine Shermanvideo and questionnaire

Jill Steinvideo and questionnaire

Jorge Zavalavideo and questionnaire

More information about the Green Party Presidential nomination process


Our Washington State Petition Drive will take place between May 4 – July 27, 2024, during which we will gather signatures for our Presidential Nominee and select our Green Party state electors.

Sign up on our volunteer list to get involved!

Statement against outing and harassment of a transgender minor and UW’s response

Earlier this month, anti-trans activist Riley Gaines publicly outed a transgender student, a minor, to her followers on Twitter/X. The student, who had verbally accepted a women’s volleyball scholarship to the UW (University of Washington) was harassed online by Riley Gaines, her followers, and the group ICONS, an anti-transgender group that attacks transgender girls and women in sports. Later that week, Riley Gaines posted on social media claiming that UW Volleyball had rescinded the scholarship.

The Green Party of Washington supports transgender people in all ways in society, sports included. If it is true that UW rescinded the scholarship, we call for an immediate reversal of this decision and an apology to the student. Otherwise, we believe this decision by the UW should be investigated as a Title IX violation against UW Volleyball.

It is apparent that Washingtonians and those who wish to come here must be protected from harassment and the prying eyes of states or individuals.

Just last week, transgender journalist Erin Reed broke news that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is demanding medical records from Seattle Children’s Hospital for all patients who live in Texas. Ken Paxton is also requesting medical instruction to stop transition care for those patients, making it transparent the intent to do harm. Wisely, Washington passed a “Shield Law” last year that prevents the sharing of protected medical records such as transition or abortion care to states that restrict that care, which has, at least for now, prevented the sharing of private medical information.

Looking back at the Riley Gaines social media posts against the student, Riley attacks that the student and her parents somehow “hid” her transgender status from the coach, school, teammates, and other kids’ parents. It is important to understand that transgender status is medical information and should, as all medical information, be protected; expecting children to share their private medical history with anyone who might care is a perverse violation of the right to privacy — a right that too clearly has been insufficiently protected.

So then, the Green Party of Washington also calls on legislators to address gaps in “malicious disclosure” of private medical information as a form of harassment that should not be protected speech. Such legislation prohibiting malicious disclosure would serve to protect all who live or come to Washington from an individual or organization sharing private medical information, to similar effect as the law that recently stopped Texas from being able to demand that information.