Green Party Platform

The Green Party Calls for Candidates for Statewide Office

GPWA would like to run statewide candidates in 2024!

Are you someone who might be up to this task, either as a candidate or a campaign support volunteer?

–> Keep reading and if you see yourself as a potential candidate for any of these positions, please download and complete our Candidate Questionnaire so that we may consider supporting your campaign:

Word version | PDF version

Also, if you would like to volunteer to support a Green Party campaign, please let us know!

Content provided by Noah Martin, South Sound Greens

There are multiple statewide executive positions up for election in 2024. I have listed most of them here. I particularly believe that GPWA would benefit from running someone for Commissioner of Public Lands since it is a position that “fits” the Greens’ mission very well and the Democrats who often run are “Green capitalists” from King County who have little appeal in places where the Commissioner of Public Lands’ actions are felt the most like Eastern and Southwestern Washington. In addition, it has direct translatable experience for a race for a local conservation district, which is among the most winnable nonpartisan local races for Greens.

Benefits of running a statewide campaign

Supporting a statewide candidate has several benefits for the state party:

  • Raising key state-level issues that might not otherwise be mentioned in the race
  • Linking the party to those state-level issues and leveraging them to grow the party
  • “Filling out” the ballot so Greens are not just a top-heavy ticket with a presidential candidate, but are shown to have a real presence in the state
  • Building out GPWA’s statewide campaign infrastructure so it can better compete in local races
  • Researching policy positions, creating messaging, and collecting voter data that can be built on in follow-up local campaigns.
  • Allowing a candidate to build name recognition and a statewide fundraising network before running for local office

Offices up for Election in 2024

Due to limited capacity, GPWA may decide to focus on a single statewide office. However, several statewide offices can have a watershed effect on down-ballot races or leverage a particular issue.

Governor — This is the primary executive of Washington State, and it touches pretty much every state-level issue. This would be a particularly good position if someone wants to raise issues that have more to do with the legislature and/or the governor’s legislative priorities, or if there are issues that the Democratic administration needs to be pushed on.

Good qualifying professions: Administrative positions of various stripes, lawyers, workers… Almost any profession can make a case for Governor if the messaging is done right.

Possible Issues: Legislative dysfunction, dam removal, dirty energy, carbon fees, ecosocialism

Local Races that Benefit: Most of them, particularly legislative races

Superintendent of Public Instruction — The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction is one of the largest executive departments of Washington State and oversees the execution of education policy. Maintaining education is THE fundamental constitutional duty of the State of Washington, and our current legislators have been making a mess of it. Much of the game of chicken in the legislature every year is around the education budget, which means this position could be a great opportunity to discuss the budget, charter schools, curriculum, child poverty, and other pressing issues in WA.

Good qualifying professions: Teacher, school administrator, childcare worker, pediatrician, artist, school bus driver, and other professions that work directly with children

Possible Issues: Budget, charter schools, curriculum, education conditions, child poverty

Local Races that Benefit: School boards

Secretary of State — The Secretary of State’s primary role in WA is to oversee elections. This is a great position for people with election or administrative experience in general, especially in a high-paced environment.

Good qualifying professions: Election worker, campaign manager, programmer, auditor, public administrator

Possible Issues: Voting reform, election technology, transparency

Local Races that Benefit: All of them, particularly partisan races like County Auditor

Commissioner of Public Lands — The Commissioner of Public Lands is an increasingly important position that is charged with overseeing both the state’s relationships with extractive industries like fishing, logging, and farming and the state’s management of state parks, conservation efforts, and forest fires.

Good qualifying professions: Biologist, ecologist, farmworker, firefighter, fisherperson, park ranger, emergency management, surveyor

Possible Issues: Effects of climate change like forest fires, pesticide use, land use, and other ecological issues

Local Races that Benefit: Conservation District boards

Auditor — The State Auditor is charged with overseeing efforts for government transparency and accountability at the state, county, and local levels. This is constitutionally supposed to be the most “independent” position, which makes it a good office for a third party to run for “to keep the fox from guarding the henhouse,” so to speak. Independents tend to perform better in running for this position.

Good qualifying professions: Financial analyst, ombuds, journalist, human resources, lawyer, accountant

Possible Issues: Government transparency (particularly Senate Bill 6617 and its subsequent iterations), corruption, partisanship

Local Races that Benefit: All of them, particularly County Assessors and County Auditors

Treasurer — The chief financial officer of the state of Washington.

Good qualifying professions: Accountant, financial planner, actuary, financial sector worker

Possible Issues: Taxes, the budget, public banking

Local Races That Benefit: City Council and legislative races, County Assessors

Insurance Commissioner — Oversees the insurance industry.

Good qualifying professions: Consumer advocate, insurance agent, accountant, actuary

Possible Issues: Insurance regulation

Local Races That Benefit: City Council and legislative races, County Assessors

Link to the Washington Secretary of State for a list of 2024 State Offices Open for Election:

–> If you are interested in running for office with the Green Party, please download and complete our Candidate Questionnaire:

Word version | PDF version

If you would like to volunteer to support a Green Party campaign, please let us know!

Want to run for Congress?

You probably heard that Derek Kilmer in WA-06 is not seeking re-election. The Green Party of Washington is looking for a Green Party candidate to run for that seat next year!

Across our country, we need thousands of Green Party candidates to challenge the two corporate parties. This will be a great time for Green Party members to learn the art of running for office.

People are tired of politicians who work for their corporate donors rather than their constituents. We are asking you to come forward now to give your community the choice to vote for a real public servant who won’t sell them out.

You don’t need campaign experience, you just need to be committed to standing up to the corporate greed that has poisoned American democracy. Give your community the opportunity to vote for a corporate-free candidate.

Stand up as a champion for People, Planet, and Peace Over Profit by running as a Green candidate in 2024!

Check out our “Run for Office” page for more information: Run for Office – Green Party of Washington (


The Green Party Needs You!

Dear Green Party Members and Supporters,

The Greens are a political party, unlike all the myriad other progressive organizations in Washington State. This means we are positioned to run candidates – candidates who refuse to take money from special interests and who promise to govern using the Ten Key Values as a guide. If you believe in a better, more progressive America, the Greens are your party!

You already know this.  But we cannot deliver real gains until we elect Greens to office.

We need good candidates to run for elected offices. Who is a good candidate?

It could be YOU!

If you find yourself frustrated with local politics and think you could do a better job, why not consider running for office? GPWA has experience in what it takes to run a successful campaign, and we can help. You do not necessarily need experience in government – only a willingness to learn. There are a number of races around the state where incumbents are re-elected with no opponent. You could offer a more progressive choice to the electorate.

Another way you can help advance the Green agenda is to volunteer to work on Green campaigns. The Green Party endorses Green candidates or gives preferred status to candidates who agree with much of the Green agenda. By volunteering, you will gain inside knowledge of how a campaign works and what running for office is really like. Volunteering is a great way to learn what it takes to be a candidate, and if your candidate wins, you may have more influence over what happens in your district or city.

Candidate filing week is May 15-19, 2023.

Offices open for election in 2023:

We hope that you will join us and promote electoral activism for the greater good!

If you would like to run for office or volunteer to support a Green Party campaign, please let us know!

To be considered for GPWA endorsement or preferred candidate status, please download and complete our Candidate Questionnaire so that we may consider supporting your campaign:

Word version | PDF version

The Green Party Needs YOU!

Dear Green Party Members and Supporters,

The Greens are a political party, unlike all the myriad other progressive organizations in Washington State. This means we are positioned to run candidates – candidates who refuse to take money from special interests and who promise to govern using the Ten Key Values as a guide. If you believe in a better, more progressive America, the Greens are your party!

You already know this.  But we cannot deliver real gains until we elect Greens to office.

We need good candidates to run for elected offices. Who is a good candidate?

It could be YOU!

If you find yourself frustrated with local politics and think you could do a better job, why not consider running for office? GPWA has experience in what it takes to run a successful campaign, and we can help. You do not necessarily need experience in government – only a willingness to learn. There are a number of races around the state where incumbents are re-elected with no opponent. You could offer a more progressive choice to the electorate.

Another way you can help advance the Green agenda is to volunteer to work on Green campaigns. The Green Party endorses Green candidates or gives preferred status to candidates who agree with much of the Green agenda. By volunteering, you will gain inside knowledge of how a campaign works and what running for office is really like. Volunteering is a great way to learn what it takes to be a candidate, and if your candidate wins, you may have more influence over what happens in your district or city.

Here’s information on candidate filing week (May 16-20, 2022) and offices open for election in 2022:

We hope that you will join us and promote electoral activism for the greater good!

If you would like to run for office or volunteer to support a Green Party campaign, please let us know!

To be considered for GPWA endorsement or preferred candidate status, please download and complete our Candidate Questionnaire so that we may consider supporting your campaign:

Word version | PDF version

The Green Party Needs YOU!

Dear Green Party Members and Supporters,

The Greens are a political party, unlike all the myriad other progressive organizations in Washington State. This means we are positioned to run candidates – candidates who refuse to take money from special interests and who promise to govern using the Ten Key Values as a guide. If you believe in a better, more progressive America, the Greens are your party!

You already know this.  But we cannot deliver real gains until we elect Greens to office.

We need good candidates to run for elected offices. Who is a good candidate?

It could be YOU!

If you find yourself frustrated with local politics and think you could do a better job, why not consider running for office? GPWA has experience in what it takes to run a successful campaign, and we can help. You do not necessarily need experience in government – only a willingness to learn. There are a number of races around the state where incumbents are re-elected with no opponent. You could offer a more progressive choice to the electorate.

Another way you can help advance the Green agenda is to volunteer to work on Green campaigns. The Green Party endorses Green candidates or gives preferred status to candidates who agree with much of the Green agenda. By volunteering, you will gain inside knowledge of how a campaign works and what running for office is really like. Volunteering is a great way to learn what it takes to be a candidate, and if your candidate wins, you may have more influence over what happens in your district or city.

Here’s information on candidate filing week (May 17-21, 2021) and offices open for election in 2021:

We hope that you will join us and promote electoral activism for the greater good!

If you would like to run for office or volunteer to support a Green Party campaign, please let us know!

To be considered for GPWA endorsement or preferred candidate status, please download and complete our Candidate Questionnaire so that we may consider supporting your campaign:

Word version | PDF version

GPWA Call for Nominations

Call for Nominations – Coordinating Council, National Committee, and Presidential Convention delegates

Nominations for one-year terms for the following positions and delegations are open until the end of our Green Party Spring Gathering on Saturday May 23, 2020:

Green Party of Washington Coordinating Council – five at-large members, Treasurer, and Deputy Treasurer (7 positions total)

Green Party National Committee – GPUS online forum – 2 delegates and 2 alternates

Green Party Presidential Nominating Convention – July 11, 2020 online convention meeting – 5 delegates and 5 alternates

New members must have joined the Green Party of Washington by April 23, 2020 to be eligible for nomination, and returning members must renew their membership by the end of the Spring Gathering to be eligible.

These positions will be elected proportionally using single transferable (ranked choice) voting.

In nominating and electing the Coordinating Council, National Committee, and Presidential Convention delegates and alternates, Green Party members should have as their goal the inclusion of differences in as many areas as possible, including but not limited to race, gender, and geography.

Ballots and candidate statements will be emailed (or postal mailed to members without email addresses) within one week after the Spring Gathering, and returned ballots must be sent back (emailed or postmarked) no later than 21 days after the close of the Gathering. Members may choose to return their ballot via email or postal mail.

See our bylaws for more information about our nominating process, voting method, and Coordinating Council positions and responsibilities.

Nominations will be accepted and reviewed during the afternoon session of our Spring Gathering, scheduled at 3 PM. Each candidate will be given time to make a brief statement. Also, a short written statement (maximum 500 words) from each candidate to be included with the ballots must be sent to no later than 5 pm on Wednesday May 27th.

New members must have joined the Green Party of Washington by April 23, 2020 to participate and vote in our nominating process. Returning members and those whose membership has lapsed must renew their membership by May 23rd to vote.

Click here to join, renew, or check your membership status.

Reminder: RSVP for our May 23rd Spring Gathering

🌻 #WeAreGreen #VoteGreen #RankedChoiceVoting

The Green Party call for candidates in 2020

The Green Party of Washington is looking for progressives to run for elected office in 2020!

–> To be considered for Green Party endorsement or preferred candidate status, please download and complete our Candidate Questionnaire:

Word version | PDF version

If you would like to volunteer to support a Green Party campaign, please let us know!

There are many state and federal offices up for election in 2020, as well as all members of the WA State House of Representatives and half of the members of the State Senate. Candidates at the local level have the best chance of winning, and these local races provide opportunities to build name recognition, a base of support, and the experience of running a campaign.

Green office holders in 23 states and the District of Columbia are hard at work for the voters who elected them. They are creating public policy on important issues including civil rights, a living wage, affordable housing, alternative voting systems, peace, and the environment. They are opposing urban sprawl, fracking, and expansion of corporate power.

Green office holders make an immediate impact on their communities as town council members, county commissioners, and school board members. These Greens reach out to voters of diverse backgrounds and bring together coalitions of community organizations and individuals to begin to reclaim their local governments.

Candidates need to begin their campaigns as early as possible. If you or someone you know is thinking of running, please contact your local Green Party and email to let us know –>

All across the country hundreds of Green Party candidates will be challenging the two corporate parties. This will be a great time for someone to learn the art of running for office, and a smart, energetic person could actually win! We are looking for people who are under-represented in elective office, women, African Americans, Latinx, Asian Americans, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, and other minorities – people from all walks of life and class backgrounds. We are also looking for people to work with candidates as campaign coordinators, fundraisers, and volunteers.

Here’s the official list of offices open for election in 2020.

Candidate filing week is May 11-15, 2020. Here’s a link to Washington State 2020 dates and deadlines.

It’s never too early to begin. Get in touch with your local Green Party and email us today! –>

–> To be considered for Green Party endorsement or preferred candidate status, please download and complete our Candidate Questionnaire:

Word version | PDF version

If you would like to volunteer to support a Green Party campaign, please let us know!

In solidarity,

Campaign Committee,
Green Party of Washington

The Green Party Calls for Candidates for Statewide Office

GPWA would like to run a statewide candidate in 2020!

Are you someone who might be up to this task, either as a candidate or a campaign support volunteer?

–> Keep reading and if you see yourself as a potential candidate for any of these positions, please download and complete our Candidate Questionnaire so that we may consider supporting your campaign:

Word version | PDF version

Also, if you would like to volunteer to support a Green Party campaign, please let us know!

Content provided by Noah Martin, South Sound Greens, GPWA Campaign Committee member

There are multiple statewide executive positions up for election in 2020. I have listed most of them here. I particularly believe that GPWA would benefit from running someone for Commissioner of Public Lands, since it is a position that “fits” the Greens’ mission very well and the Democrats who are running are “Green capitalists” from King County who have little appeal in places where the Commissioner of Public Lands’ actions are felt the most like Eastern and Southwestern Washington. In addition, it has directly translatable experience for a race for a conservation district, which are among the most winnable nonpartisan local races for Greens.

Benefits of running a statewide campaign

While GPWA is probably not yet able to win races at the state level, having a statewide candidate has several benefits for the state party:

  • Raising key state-level issues that might not otherwise be mentioned in the race
  • Linking the party to those state-level issues and leveraging them to grow the party
  • “Filling out” the ballot so Greens are not just a top-heavy ticket with a presidential candidate, but are shown to have a real presence in the state
  • Building out GPWA’s statewide campaign infrastructure so it can better compete in local races
  • Researching policy positions, creating messaging, and collecting voter data that can be built on in follow-up local campaigns.
  • Allowing a candidate to build name recognition and a statewide fundraising network before running for local office

Offices up for Election in 2020

Due to limited capacity, GPWA may decide to focus on a single statewide office. However, there are several statewide offices that can have a watershed effect on down ballot races or leverage a particular issue.

Governor — This is the primary executive of Washington State, and it touches pretty much every state-level issue. This would be a particularly good position if someone wants to raise issues that have more to do with the legislature and/or the governor’s legislative priorities, or if there are issues that the Democratic administration needs to be pushed on.

Good qualifying professions: Administrative positions of various stripes, lawyers, workers… Almost any profession can make a case for Governor if the messaging is done right.

Possible Issues: Legislative dysfunction, dam removal, dirty energy, carbon fees, ecosocialism

Local Races that Benefit: Most of them, particularly legislative races

Superintendent of Public Instruction — The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction is one of the largest executive departments of Washington State and oversees the execution of education policy. Maintaining education is THE fundamental constitutional duty of the State of Washington, and our current legislators have been making a mess of it. Much of the game of chicken in the legislature every year is around the education budget, which means this position could be a great opportunity to discuss the budget, charter schools, curriculum, child poverty, and other pressing issues in WA.

Good qualifying professions: Teacher, school administrator, childcare worker, pediatrician, artist, school bus driver, and other professions that work directly with children

Possible Issues: Budget, charter schools, curriculum, education conditions, child poverty

Local Races that Benefit: School boards

Secretary of State — The Secretary of State’s primary role in WA is to oversee elections. This is a great position for people with election or administrative experience in general, especially in a high-paced environment.

Good qualifying professions: Election worker, campaign manager, programmer, auditor, public administrator

Possible Issues: Voting reform, election technology, transparency

Local Races that Benefit: All of them, particularly partisan races like County Auditor

Commissioner of Public Lands — The Commissioner of Public Lands is an increasingly important position that is charged with overseeing both the state’s relationships with extractive industries like fishing, logging, and farming and the state’s management of state parks, conservation efforts and forest fires.

Good qualifying professions: Biologist, ecologist, farmworker, firefighter, fisherperson, park ranger, emergency management, surveyor

Possible Issues: Effects of climate change like forest fires, pesticide use, land use, and other ecological issues

Local Races that Benefit: Conservation District boards

Auditor — The State Auditor is charged with overseeing efforts for government transparency and accountability at the state, county, and local levels. This is constitutionally supposed to be the most “independent” position, which makes it a good office for a third party to run for “to keep the fox from guarding the henhouse,” so to speak. Independents tend to perform better running for this position.

Good qualifying professions: Financial analyst, ombuds, journalist, human resources, lawyer, accountant

Possible Issues: Government transparency (particularly Senate Bill 6617 and its subsequent iterations), corruption, partisanship

Local Races that Benefit: All of them, particularly County Assessors and County Auditors

Treasurer — The chief financial officer of the state of Washington. This position is currently held by an incumbent Republican, and Democrats will be hungry to win it back. This means there will probably be more space on the left for Greens to find a niche.

Good qualifying professions: Accountant, financial planner, actuary, worker in the financial sector

Possible Issues: Taxes, the budget, public banking

Local Races That Benefit: City Council and legislative races, County Assessors

Link to the Washington Secretary of State for a list of 2020 State Offices Open for Election:

Follow the declared candidates on Ballotpedia:,_2020,_2020,_2020,_2020,_2020,_2020,_2020,_2020,_2020

–> If you are interested in running for office with the Green Party, please download and complete our Candidate Questionnaire:

Word version | PDF version

If you would like to volunteer to support a Green Party campaign, please let us know!

The Green Party call for candidates in 2018

The Green Party of Washington is looking for progressives to run for elected office in 2018!

This year two Greens were elected in Washington State: Renata Rollins is the new Olympia City Councilmember for Position 6, and EJ Zita was reelected to Olympia Port Commissioner Position 2. Let’s keep the momentum going!

There are many local offices up for reelection in 2018, as well as all members of the State House of Representatives and half of the members of the State Senate. Candidates at the local level have the best chance of winning, and these local races provide opportunities to build name recognition, a base of support, and the experience of running a campaign.

Green office holders in 23 states and the District of Columbia are hard at work for the voters who elected them. They are creating public policy on important issues including civil rights, a living wage, affordable housing, alternative voting systems, peace, and the environment. They are opposing urban sprawl, fracking, and expansion of corporate power.

Green office holders make an immediate impact on their communities as town council members, county commissioners, and school board members. These Greens reach out to voters of diverse backgrounds and bring together coalitions of community organizations and individuals to begin to reclaim their local governments.

Candidates need to begin their campaigns as early as possible. If you or someone you know is thinking of running, please contact your local Green Party or the Campaign Committee of the Green Party of Washington State –> email

All across the country hundreds of Green Party candidates will be challenging the two corporate parties. This will be a great time for someone to learn the art of running for office, and a smart, energetic person could actually win! We are looking for people who are under-represented in elective office, women, African Americans, Latinx, Asian Americans, gays and lesbians, people with disabilities, and other minorities – people from all walks of life and class backgrounds. We are also looking for people to work with candidates as campaign managers and volunteers.

Here’s the official list of offices open for election in 2018.

Candidate filing week is May 14th-18th. Here’s a link to Washington State 2018 dates and deadlines.

It’s never too early to begin. Get in touch with your local Green Party, or email us today! –>

To be considered for GPWA endorsement or preferred candidate status, please complete our GPWA Candidate Questionnaire.

In solidarity,

Campaign Committee,
Green Party of Washington

The Green Party needs YOU!

Dear Green Party Members and Supporters,

Now, more than ever, America needs the Green Party. Nationally, the Democrats continue their strategy of pandering to big donors and moving to the right to try to win back Obama voters who voted for Trump. Trying to change the Democrats from the ground up is likely a hopeless endeavor. The Green Party offers real hope and a real choice.

The Greens are a political party, unlike all the myriad other progressive organizations in Washington. This means we are positioned to run candidates – candidates who are not taking money from special interests, and who promise to govern using the Ten Key Values as a guide. If you believe in a better, more progressive America, the Greens are your party. You already know this.  But we cannot deliver real gains until we elect Greens to office, where they can have the power to create a better future.

We must have good candidates to run for elected offices. Who is a good candidate? It could be YOU. If you find yourself frustrated with local politics, and think you could do a better job, then why not consider running for office as a Green? GPWA has experience in what it takes to run a successful campaign, and we can help. You do not necessarily need experience in government – only a willingness to learn. There are a number of races around the state where local candidates are re-elected with no opponent. You could offer a more progressive choice to the electorate.

Another way you can help advance the Green agenda is to volunteer to work on Green campaigns. The Green Party endorses Green candidates, or grants preferred status to non-Green candidates who agree with much of the Green agenda. By volunteering, you will gain inside knowledge of not only how a campaign works, but what the candidate is really like. Volunteering is a great way to learn what it takes to be a candidate, and if your candidate wins, you may have more influence over what happens in your district or city.

Here’s a list of offices statewide that are open for election in 2017:

We hope that you will join us and promote electoral activism. Please send an email to describing in a short paragraph what you would like to do, and we can connect you with campaign volunteers or get you started as a Green candidate.

To be considered for GPWA endorsement or preferred candidate status, please complete our candidate questionnaire.

The Campaign Committee
Green Party of Washington State