The Green Party of Washington has endorsed Initiative 1600, a ballot measure written and submitted by Whole Washington. Whole Washington is a grassroots group of citizens and healthcare professionals determined to bring single-payer universal healthcare to Washington State.
I-1600 has been certified by the WA Secretary of State, and the signature drive has begun with a goal of over 300,000 signatures by July 1, 2018!
This is our chance.
Universal Health Care is an essential human right. This initiative guarantees healthcare as a fundamental right to all citizens of Washington State. With your help, I-1600 will be presented to the voters of Washington State in the November 2018 General Election. In order to make this happen, I-1600 URGENTLY needs financial support and signature gathering volunteers at upcoming events. If you want to collect signatures, but cannot attend an event, sign up here to receive petitions by mail.
Every signature gathered by a volunteer will save the campaign ~$3!
Initiative campaigns are terribly expensive, but so too are out-of-control health care costs. Together, we the citizens of Washington State have the power to take control of our healthcare and save billions of dollars in the process.
To make this a reality, funds are immediately needed and will be applied to the hard costs of doing everything possible to deliver sufficient numbers of valid signatures to put I-1600 Universal Health Care on the ballot in Washington State for the November 2018 general election. Contributions can be made here. All donations go directly to the I-1600 initiative campaign.
Please sign up to collect signatures today!
For questions see I-1600 FAQs or contact Whole Washington at: