You probably heard that Derek Kilmer in WA-06 is not seeking re-election. The Green Party of Washington is looking for a Green Party candidate to run for that seat next year!
Across our country, we need thousands of Green Party candidates to challenge the two corporate parties. This will be a great time for Green Party members to learn the art of running for office.
People are tired of politicians who work for their corporate donors rather than their constituents. We are asking you to come forward now to give your community the choice to vote for a real public servant who won’t sell them out.
You don’t need campaign experience, you just need to be committed to standing up to the corporate greed that has poisoned American democracy. Give your community the opportunity to vote for a corporate-free candidate.
Stand up as a champion for People, Planet, and Peace Over Profit by running as a Green candidate in 2024!
Check out our “Run for Office” page for more information: Run for Office – Green Party of Washington (