March for Medicare for All

The Green Party of Washington and Green Party of Seattle are supporting the Seattle March for Medicare for All!

This is a grassroots effort with Medicare for All marches happening in cities across the country on July 24th!

We hope to get everyone involved with the Seattle march as participants and as leaders. Here are a few ways you can get involved:

  1. Mark your calendar and RSVP for the Seattle March for Medicare for All on July 24th!
  2. Join the “ByThePeople” Slack workspace to connect with other march organizers. You will be placed into a channel called #m4m4a-all-organizers. Once you are in, join #m4m4a-seattle to connect with the Seattle team (invite link)
  3. Join the Seattle team for our weekly planning meetings to, Fridays at 6pm (invite link)
  4. Join the all organizers weekly meetings on Sundays at 9am to help promote all marches across the country (invite link)

These meetings will be held weekly between now and July 24th. Everyone is welcome in the Slack and at any of the meetings so feel free to invite anyone who would like to get involved! We hope to see you there!

Bring Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut Home!

The Green Party of Washington Supports the efforts being coordinated by representatives of the Lummi Nation and others to return Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut to her home waters of the Salish Sea.

Who is Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut?

Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut is the Lhaq’temish (Lummi) Nation name for last remaining Southern Resident Orca to be held in captivity. She is also known as “Tokitae” or by her Seaquarium slave name “Lolita”.

In August of 1970, over 50 young orcas were violently stolen from the Salish Sea and sold to aquariums.

Large pods of orcas were once rounded up in the waters of Washington State and their young ones kidnapped. Several died during capture and transport. In 1971 whaling was outlawed in the US. Only one of our resident L pod orcas remains alive in captivity. Her name is Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut.

The Captive.

For over 50 years, Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut has been held at the Miami Seaquarium, in the world’s smallest orca tank. There, in the state of Florida she is subjected to cruel and unnatural conditions, including relentless sun and heat, extreme social isolation, and exposure to dangerous hurricanes. She has not seen another orca in captivity since the 1980’s, as she is the sole survivor of the 45 orcas captured from the Southern Salish Sea in 1970.

Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut has been sentenced to a life of unjust captivity and deprivation. We as Greens, call for a compassionate release. The Green Party wants her liberated from the state of Florida and brought back to her home waters. The Lummi Nation feels it is their sacred obligation to bring Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut home. Orcas pods have distinct cultures and dialects, Tokitae still calls out in her native L pod language. Her mother is still alive, bring her back home to her family.

Green Solidarity.

We, the Green Party of Washington State, in representing ourselves, our memberships, and our constituencies, support the effort to bring Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut [Southern Resident Orca] home. We call upon the Governors of WashingtonOregon, and California, and the Premier of British Columbia, the lands of which border the Salish Sea home of the Southern Resident Orcas, to sign a joint Proclamation that acknowledges the unique and iconic orca population here and the significant spiritual and cultural value for the people of the region, with protected legal rights to freedom from captivity.

Therefore, The Green Party of Washington State joins the Lummi Nation and others urging the Governors and Premier of our Southern Resident Orca territories to:

• Support and endorse the efforts being coordinated by representatives of the Lummi Nation to return Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut to her Salish Sea home.

• Call upon Miami Seaquarium, Festival Fun Parks (DBA Palace Entertainment), Parques Reunidos and EQT to agree to negotiate the terms and conditions for Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut’s release from Miami Seaquarium and safe return to her natal waters; and

• Work with representatives of the Lummi Nation and other relevant entities to secure any state permits that might be required for the return and rehabilitation of Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut and her reunion with her human and Orca family.