The Green Party’s Demand for the ERA!

The Green Party calls on President Biden to confirm and publish the Equal Rights Amendment in the US Constitution!

Please join us in our demand for the ERA!

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is the duly ratified 28th Constitutional Amendment that guarantees equal rights to all people regardless of sex.

The ERA might be our last chance to protect abortion rights before Trump takes office.

The constitutional requirements have already been met:

• The US House approved the ERA in 1971 with a bipartisan vote of 354–24. The Senate approved it in 1972 by another bipartisan vote of 84-8.

• In January 2020, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the ERA, which means that 3/4 of all the states have ratified it.

So why isn’t the ERA in the Constitution now? Because Trump blocked it.

President Biden can unblock it. He can do so now in his remaining time in the White House.

Extending protections under the ERA is the most important thing President Biden can do right now.

The ERA has widespread support among registered Democrats and Republicans. The Green Party of the US endorses the ERA in its platform: “We support the equal application of the Constitution of the United States of America to all citizens, and therefore call for passage of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).” (

Please Write, Text, Email, or Call the President Now! Here’s a sample Message/Letter:

Dear President Biden,

Article II.S3.3.1 requires you to ensure the National Archivist publishes fully ratified amendments to the US Constitution. Please do not leave office before you direct her to add the fully ratified 28th Amendment, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), into the US Constitution, where it belongs.

As you know, the ERA ensures equality for all genders, equal pay, reproductive rights, and marriage equality.

There is a national outcry for you to save our basic equality and human rights. Project 2025 will roll back these rights even further unless you act now.

Congress and the states have spoken. The People of the USA have spoken. 85% of Americans still want the ERA.

Please publish the ERA immediately.

Sign with your Name/Signature and Address

Email through the Online Form:

Write a letter: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500

Call: 202-456-1111 to leave a message for the President

Text: 302-404-0880

National Texting & Writing Mobilizations:

December 6th: Major national push to text 302-404-0880 to overwhelm the White House with a tidal wave of texts

December 10th: Same tidal wave but with emails and letters to the White House


Watch a video of an ERA Panel featuring attorney, ERA advocate, and professor of sexual violence law, Wendy Murphy, as well as Dr. Jill Stein and others offering extensive information on the ERA.

See the ERA’s history and timeline HERE.

#greenparty #womensequality

Green Party Ballot Access – 2024


UPDATE – AUGUST 13, 2024: The Green Party has received confirmation we are on the Washington State ballot for the 2024 Presidential election!

Updates here:


The Green Party of Washington State will hold a Nominating Convention to select electors and gather signatures to nominate our Green Party Presidential candidate.

During our meetings, we will select our Washington State electors and gather the required 1,000+ signatures from Washington voters to place our Green Party Presidential candidate on the November General Election ballot.

–> Download and print the Green Party Nominating Petition

Print out this Nominating Petition on standard white paper, single-sided. All signatures must be gathered and submitted on the paper petition form. Signatures must be provided with pen on paper; digital or digitized signatures will not be accepted.

Full names, signatures, and mailing addresses must match the Secretary of State voter registration records. Only valid signatures from people who are registered to vote in Washington State will be counted.

Send your completed petition forms to –> 

Green Party of Washington, PO Box 70493, Seattle, WA 98127

Email us at with any questions about signing the petition or turning in your completed forms.

Green Party supporters who wish to participate and gather petition signatures are welcome to attend any meeting of our Nominating Convention.



Do you think democracy would be better served with more choices on the ballot? [Yes, of course!]

–> If so, then please sign our petition.

When will the Green Party Presidential nominee be selected?

–> The Green Party nominees for President and Vice President will be selected at the GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention in August 2024.

How can someone attend the Green Party Nominating Convention?

–> To attend a convention and sign a petition, please ask your local Green Party chapter or send us an email (see above).

What does it mean to “support” the nominees?

–> The petition states, “I support with my signature the nominees listed above”. This can be interpreted to mean, “I support listing the Green Party nominees on the ballot”. There is no need for anyone to promise a vote for the candidates when signing the petition.

Can a person register to vote on the same date they sign the petition?

–> YES. You may register to vote online at or print a voter registration form here: If you complete the voter registration form on paper, send it by postal mail to your county elections office (address provided on the form).

Can I sign the Green Party nominating petition if I voted in the WA State Presidential Primary (for Major Parties)?

–> YES. To clarify, the reference to signing a ‘nominating petition’ pertains only to other nominating PETITIONS, and not to participation in the Washington State Presidential Primary. If you vote in the presidential primary election, you can still sign this petition. (More information on this topic from 2020.)

Where can I find more information on the Nominating Convention requirements for Washington State?

Direct links to information from the Secretary of State:

Minor Party & Independent Presidential Candidates – 2024 

How can I apply to become an Elector?

–> Please download the pledge form (contained within the Minor Party & Independent Presidential Candidates document (linked above), print it out, write in “Green” Party, print and sign your name, and mail it to our PO Box address above. If you are selected as one of our designated Green Party electors, your name, mailing address, and signed pledge form will be submitted to the WA Secretary of State. The list of Green Party electors, including names and mailing addresses, is maintained by the Secretary of State as a public record.

How can I get more information?

–> Please email with your questions.

Volunteers – click here for a sample script to call Green Party supporters.

Download the Green Party WA brochure

GPUS Presidential Campaign Support Committee

GPUS Ballot Access Committee

PNC Delegates Approved

Washington State has four delegates to the GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention, which will take place online August 15-18, 2024.

Nominations for all positions were made at our 2024 Spring Gathering on March 3, 2024.

Green Party of Washington members voted in this election, from 3/10/2024 through 3/24/2024, to approve the GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention delegates and alternates below.

Delegates to GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention

Noah Martin

Margaret Elisabeth

Starlene Rankin

Alice Green

Alternates to GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention

Jason Call

Lisa Canar

Georgia Davenport

Marc Mixon

Help Decide the Greens’ Presidential Candidate

The Green Party of Washington State will hold an early Spring Gathering to consider statements from Green Party presidential candidates and to receive nominations for our Coordinating Council and GPUS delegations. We will meet on Sunday, March 3, 2024, from 6 PM – 8:30 PM on Zoom.

The meeting agenda will be posted soon!

Register to attend:

All Green Party members will be able to vote for the GPWA Coordinating Council, GPUS delegates, and the presidential candidate of their choice, via online ballot, following the Spring Gathering — between March 10th – March 24th.

Check your membership status:

If your membership has lapsed, you can renew it here:


Links to Presidential candidate videos and questionnaires:

Jasmine Shermanvideo and questionnaire

Jill Steinvideo and questionnaire

Jorge Zavalavideo and questionnaire

More information about the Green Party Presidential nomination process


Our Washington State Petition Drive will take place between May 4 – July 27, 2024, during which we will gather signatures for our Presidential Nominee and select our Green Party state electors.

Sign up on our volunteer list to get involved!

Statement against outing and harassment of a transgender minor and UW’s response

Earlier this month, anti-trans activist Riley Gaines publicly outed a transgender student, a minor, to her followers on Twitter/X. The student, who had verbally accepted a women’s volleyball scholarship to the UW (University of Washington) was harassed online by Riley Gaines, her followers, and the group ICONS, an anti-transgender group that attacks transgender girls and women in sports. Later that week, Riley Gaines posted on social media claiming that UW Volleyball had rescinded the scholarship.

The Green Party of Washington supports transgender people in all ways in society, sports included. If it is true that UW rescinded the scholarship, we call for an immediate reversal of this decision and an apology to the student. Otherwise, we believe this decision by the UW should be investigated as a Title IX violation against UW Volleyball.

It is apparent that Washingtonians and those who wish to come here must be protected from harassment and the prying eyes of states or individuals.

Just last week, transgender journalist Erin Reed broke news that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is demanding medical records from Seattle Children’s Hospital for all patients who live in Texas. Ken Paxton is also requesting medical instruction to stop transition care for those patients, making it transparent the intent to do harm. Wisely, Washington passed a “Shield Law” last year that prevents the sharing of protected medical records such as transition or abortion care to states that restrict that care, which has, at least for now, prevented the sharing of private medical information.

Looking back at the Riley Gaines social media posts against the student, Riley attacks that the student and her parents somehow “hid” her transgender status from the coach, school, teammates, and other kids’ parents. It is important to understand that transgender status is medical information and should, as all medical information, be protected; expecting children to share their private medical history with anyone who might care is a perverse violation of the right to privacy — a right that too clearly has been insufficiently protected.

So then, the Green Party of Washington also calls on legislators to address gaps in “malicious disclosure” of private medical information as a form of harassment that should not be protected speech. Such legislation prohibiting malicious disclosure would serve to protect all who live or come to Washington from an individual or organization sharing private medical information, to similar effect as the law that recently stopped Texas from being able to demand that information.

End the war on Gaza

Please sign up for Jason’s emails, follow Jason on social media, and consider becoming a volunteer with Jason’s campaign.

In solidarity,
Green Party of Washington Coordinating Council

From Jason —

ImageWe are now one month into Israel’s unrelenting bombardment of Gaza. Over 10,000 Palestinians are dead. More are missing under the rubble. Nearly half of them are children.

More children have been killed in Gaza than the number killed in all armed conflicts globally over an entire year – for the last three years.

And it’s happening on our watch. With our tax dollars.

I know that some of you may have differing opinions or feelings about what’s happening in Gaza right now. I’m going to speak from my decades of experience organizing for peace, studying global conflict, and working in solidarity with liberation movements.

We are witnessing a genocide play out on Twitter and TikTok with the full, unconditional support of the United States government.

I could talk about how this all began 75 years ago with the Palestine War and the Nakba (“the disaster”) when 700,000 Palestinian people were ethnically cleansed from their ancestral lands to form the nation now known as Israel.

I could talk about how the Western world, led by the United States, has empowered an increasingly fascistic, right-wing government in Israel to force 2.2 million Palestinians – half of them children – into an open-air prison the world knows as the Gaza Strip for the last 18 years.

I could talk about how Israel is, by every single academic and legal definition, acting as an apartheid state. Or how Netanyahu’s government has clearly stated they are intentionally engaging in ethnic cleansing and genocide with the current bombing campaign.

But what I most want to say is this: It’s not complicated.

For years we have been conditioned by Western politicians and mainstream media to believe that the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian people is “complicated”. That it’s “nuanced”. That it’s been going on for “thousands of years”. All of that is a lie.

There is nothing nuanced about genocide. You are either against genocide, or you are not. And if you are waffling in the gray area, your actions are supporting genocide. It really is that simple.

The rhetoric of nuance is designed to turn our gaze away from the reality of what is happening now – that a child has been murdered every 10 minutes for the past month in Gaza.

THIS is who we are bombing, and yes I say WE because America is supplying the military aid and international credibility that enables this:

I know these images are harsh, but these are far from the worst we’ve seen. I thought long and hard before sharing these photos. But we need to see their faces. Because it’s OUR money and OUR political power sanctioning Netanyahu’s genocide.

In my 30+ years as an anti-war activist, I have never been as horrified or enraged as I have been in the last month.

But in a strange way, I have also found a renewed source of hope. Because millions of people across the US and the world are horrified, too. And we are rising up to demand a ceasefire.

We cannot allow these war crimes to continue. You and I have a duty right now to make our representatives hear us and demand an immediate ceasefire and an end to Israel’s occupation.

Rep. Cori Bush introduced a resolution nearly three weeks ago demanding an immediate ceasefire. There are 18 co-sponsors – only one of them is here in Washington state.

Hundreds of Congressional staffers have signed a letter urging their bosses to support a ceasefire. Hundreds of former campaign staffers for both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden’s presidential races have done the same.

A prominent member of the State Department has resigned in protest of the Administration’s current posture on Israel and refusal to back a ceasefire. Hundreds more are joining in documenting their dissent with internal cables designed to sound the alarm.

Incredibly courageous Jewish Americans are standing up to defend the people of Gaza and demand a ceasefire.

We are not alone. This is an inflection point for the world. History will be the judge someday, but we don’t have to wait for history to know what we have to do.

Nothing…absolutely nothing…can be said that will justify the horrors of what the Israeli government is perpetuating in Gaza right now. It has to end. We have to make it end.

If you are able, I encourage you to join a protest in your area. You need to know that there are many who feel the weight of this horror just as you do. You need to add your voice to the call.

I also ask that you join me in making a contribution to Doctors Without Borders and UNICEF, two organizations on the front lines in Gaza right now that urgently need our support.

Donate to Doctors Without Borders 

      Donate to UNICEF     

History will judge those who enabled this genocide, but the people of Palestine don’t have the luxury of waiting for that verdict. In the time it has taken you to read this, another child has already been killed in Gaza.

We can stop this. We have to stop this. As a lifelong anti-war activist, ending this genocide is my only priority right now. And we will not stop until Palestine is free.

Solidarity forever,


Jason Call is a former public school teacher and lifelong climate activist running for Congress in WA-02. If elected, he will be the first member of the Green Party to serve in federal office. Learn more at

You can follow Jason’s campaign at the links below:

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

Thank you!

Green Party of Washington Coordinating Council

Keep up with us on Twitter and Facebook

Join our Green Party organizing group on Loomio!


Photograph by Mahmud Hamsonit Hamsonit

Statement on Gaza War

The Green Party Peace Action Committee (GPAX) urges that Green Party supporters participate in the wave of worldwide mass protests against the US-Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere.

Our main concern is US military and diplomatic participation in the war and in the criminal siege and bombardment that have already killed thousands in Gaza, wounded tens of thousands, and left a million homeless.

GPAX calls for ending the supply of weapons and financing to Israel; withdrawing US military assets from the region; and ending US war threats. The U.S. must also become constructively engaged in diplomatic efforts to resolve this persistent threat to world peace.

We support the widespread calls by UN officials and member countries, trade unionists, and others for a ceasefire, provision of humanitarian aid, the release of detained people, and long-term solutions based on justice and equality. We urge the Green Party and state parties to work with others for all these goals.

We believe that the recent meeting of President Joe Biden with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, combined with US unconditional support for the Israelis, will inflame the region even further. Without taking the steps we propose, the death and destruction will continue. Our goal is peace, but a peace accompanied by justice for all people of this region.

“Everything working people have ever won, we’ve won together.”

Please sign up for Jason’s emails, follow Jason on social media, and donate what you can to help share Jason’s message with more supporters.

Every donation builds this campaign to elect our first Green to Congress!

In solidarity,
Green Party of Washington Coordinating Council

From Jason —


I couldn’t have said it any better than this:

An animated gif of a video clip of UAW President Shawn Fain addressing his union members and the public at the start of their historic Stand Up Strike, in which he says: “Everything working people have ever won, we’ve won together.”

When analysts told CNN’s Jake Tapper that the UAW’s demands were going to “wreck the economy,” UAW president Shawn Fain fired back:

“In the last decade, they made a quarter of a trillion dollars in profits. It’s not that we’re going to wreck the economy. We’re going to wreck their economy, the one that works for the billionaire class. It doesn’t work for the working class.”

The best part is the innovative nature of this strike. UAW just rolled out a whole new method of organizing that’s designed to thwart strikebreakers and block union-busting.

Rather than a mass walk-off from the job, UAW is mobilizing different locals at random, so the bosses never know when or where the strike is coming.

And judging by the public’s response to the UAW strike (which has INCREASED in the last week), we’re headed straight from a Hot Labor Summer to a Burn It All Fall🔥✊

Workers all across the country are demanding their fair share, because this upside down world where CEOs take home 400x the wages of workers on the line cannot continue. It is GOING to collapse, or we’re going to have to tear it down and build something sustainable.

As a lifelong activist and organizer, and a former elected union rep, I stand in solidarity with the UAW, as well as the ongoing WGA, SAG-AFTRA strike – and the impending nurses’ strike right here in my district at Providence Everett. I will stay by their side until they receive a fair contract, as every worker SHOULD.

But my opponent in this race, a former lobbyist who’s held this seat for 22 years, has repeatedly betrayed striking workers in favor of his wealthy corporate donors.

WA-02 deserves a representative who will always have labor’s back. Can you donate $25, $50, or $100 today to help me win this seat in 2024?

As a public school teacher, I proudly served as an elected union leader at the local and state level for years. In my first year in the Representative Assembly of the Washington Education Association, I wrote, submitted, and passed a resolution rejecting the idea that corporations are people.

While I’m no longer a teacher or a member of the WEA, I’ve never stopped showing up for workers.

While Rick Larsen was dodging questions about a certain coffee shop chain, I joined a group of labor organizers touring Starbucks locations in WA-02 to let workers know – if they decided to unionize – their community had their back. Weeks later, they did.

A photo of Jason Call and several labor organizers holding pro-union signs from Starbucks Worker Solidarity outside of a Starbucks store in Washington’s 2nd congressional district.
Solidarity is a verb, and I’ve got years of receipts.When I win, I’ve pledged to donate 30% of my post-tax congressional salary to strike funds, and every labor organizer I’ve worked with in Washington State knows they can take that promise to the bank.

You can’t stand with labor when you’re on the payroll of the bosses. That’s why I’ve never taken a dime from corporate PACs or lobbyists – and I never will.

I’ve run for this seat before, and we came very close to getting into the general election both times.

With Washington’s Top Two, non-partisan primary, this VERY progressive district is the Green Party’s BEST chance to get a member elected to Congress in 2024.

But only if we build the kind of solidarity we’re seeing behind all the strikes happening across this country right now.

Like Shawn said, “Everything working people have ever won, we’ve won together.”

Solidarity is the only way. And I hope you’ll join me in the fight.

Jason Call

Jason Call is a former public school teacher and lifelong climate activist running for Congress in WA-02. If elected, he will be the first member of the Green Party to serve in federal office. Learn more at and donate today to help us make history! 

You can follow Jason’s campaign at the links below:

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

Thank you!
Green Party of Washington Coordinating Council

Keep up with us on Twitter and Facebook

Join our Green Party organizing group on Loomio!


The Green Party Stands Unequivocally Against Anti-Semitism

*** For immediate release ***

Olympia, WA – September 11, 2023


The Green Party of Washington Coordinating Council was shocked by the actions of Former Democrat U.S. House Member from 1993 to 2003, and 2008 Green Party presidential nominee Cynthia McKinney. McKinney on the morning of September 11, promoted an event hosted in part by white supremacist David Duke which characterized Jewish people as a “common enemy.”

In no uncertain terms, the Green Party of Washington condemns this event, its organizers, its promoters, and the vile hatred at its core.

The Green Party of Washington, as a full member of the Green Party of the United States federation, holds respect for diversity and anti-racism as a core belief. Cynthia McKinney has no current relationship or affiliation with the Green Party of Washington or the Green Party of the United States, and has not for years. We condemn her promotion of this event and call on all parties and organizations, including the Democratic Party with whom she served for a decade as a US House Representative to do the same.

GreenLine for September 6, 2023

The 2023 Green Party Annual National Meeting (ANM) was held from August 3-6th! We were delighted to gather virtually to provide an opportunity for all to participate this year, while we continue efforts to meet again in person in 2024 for our Presidential Nominating Convention.

Watch the videos online today!

My name is Jason Call and I’m running for Congress with the Green Party in Washington State in District 2.

“I want to be clear. There are only two people who can possibly win this seat in November of 2024 – and it’s either going to be me, or Rick Larsen.”

No Republican has any shot of winning in the 2nd district. This community cares deeply about climate action, social justice, and labor rights – all things the Republican Party is inherently opposed to. Since 1965, this district has only been represented by a Republican for 6 years.

Our progressive, working-class community deserves a representative who will fight for working families and a livable future.

Please sign up for Jason’s emails, follow Jason on social media, and donate what you can to support Jason and help share his message with more supporters. Every donation helps!


Watch the 2023 Annual Meeting Press Conference video:



Green Party to join March to End Fossil Fuels in NYC on Sunday Sept. 17 in conjunction with UN Meeting on Climate plus Webinar on Monday Sept. 11

Green Party to join March to End Fossil Fuels in NYC on Sunday, Sept. 17 in conjunction with UN Meeting on Climate. The Green Party of the United States (GPUS) has endorsed the September 17th March to End Fossil Fuels in New York City. Green Party groups mobilizing for the event also include the EcoAction Committee of both GPUS and the Green Party of New York; and Green Parties of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.

The march and rally are being held in conjunction with the United Nations’ September 20 Climate Ambition Summit 2023 to accelerate action by governments, business, finance, local authorities, and civil society. The Summit represents a critical political milestone for demonstrating that there is a collective global will to accelerate the pace and scale of a just transition to a more equitable renewable-energy-based, climate-resilient global economy.

Individuals marching with the Green Party can RSVP HERE.

Organizers expect the largest climate mobilization since the pandemic, calling for presidential action to phase out fossil fuels and address environmental injustice.

The March and rally are calling on President Biden to:

1. Stop all federal approvals for new fossil fuel projects and repeal permits for climate bombs like the Willow Project and Alaska LNG.

2. Phase out fossil fuel DRILLING on our public lands and waters.

3. Declare a climate emergency to halt oil exports and investments in fossil fuel projects abroad, AND lead a just transition to clean, community energy.

The EcoAction Committee will hold a webinar on End Fossil Fuels on Monday, Sept 11 at 8 PM ET. RSVPs are needed.



Connecting the Dots: Maui’s Fires, Climate Change and Public Policy

The Green Party of the US is deeply saddened by the devastating wildfires that have ravaged Maui. We extend our condolences to our friends and the families of those who have lost loved ones, and we offer our support to those who have been displaced from their homes.

Climate change is one of several factors that contributed to these fires. The area in Maui has been in a drought for a number of years, and the fires were fanned by extremely high winds from a nearby hurricane. Climate scientists say that climate change provides additional energy to weather events, increasing their severity.

The burning of fossil fuels is releasing greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, which are trapping heat and causing the planet to warm. The Green Party of the US and Hawai’i are committed to taking action to address climate change. We support policies such as investing in renewable energy, reducing deforestation, and improving energy efficiency.



Green Party Statement on Fukushima

Oppose Fukushima Water Release into the Pacific Ocean!

The Green Party of the United States and the Green Party of Hawai’i stand in solidarity with our fellow Greens in Japan and South Korea when calling for the end of the near-shore release of 1.33 million tons of contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean. The Green Party of the United States and the Green Party of Hawai’i urge the Government of Japan to respect existing international treaties that ban the release of nuclear waste into the oceans. We also join the Green Party Korea and the Greens Japan in calling for the cancellation of ocean-releasing plans. For this, we call for a public review of methods of on-land storage such as ‘large tank storage’ and ‘mortar solidification treatment’.



The War at Home: Dissent and Repression Webinar

Sponsored by the Peace Action Committee – September 6, 2023 at 8:00 PM ET, 7:00 CT, 6:00 MT, 5:00 PM PT

Click Here to Pre-Register for the Webinar

All wars begin with lies, and the lies serve to conceal the real motives for war. Government motives for mass killing (war) include war machine profits, geopolitics, and plundering of resources. As the general population uncovers the real reasons for the war, government propaganda becomes less effective, which leads to growing dissent and repression of dissent.

Currently over 61% of people polled (according to CNN) no longer want weapons sent to continue the proxy war in Ukraine. The U.S. government has begun to use repressive measures against anti-war groups. In our webinar you will hear from dissenters and from those who have witnessed and experienced repression. It is in the interest of all of us to support dissenters and expose and support those who have been harmed by repressive measures. We welcome your participation in this webinar and your support of the right to dissent.




Ballot Access Drives Now Underway!

Green Parties in ArizonaMarylandMissouri, and Utah are currently working hard to gain ballot status in their respective states.

Browse to a new section on called Ballot Access News Archive to follow their progress, or better yet, volunteer!

You can also donate directly to our national Ballot Access Committee here.



Be The Media

Drop us a line if you’re aware of a Green Party-oriented news show that should be featured on our Be The Media page.

The newest addition is Redneck Gone Green hosted by our 2004 Presidential candidate, David Cobb.



Just click on the pic below to order your merchandise today!

GP Accessories


Image of Cam Gordon smiling, text reads 'Together, we will create a city that cares for all of us'

Banking and Monetary Reform Committee Publishes the August 2023 Edition of “Greening The Dollar” Newsletter

Read the newsletter…


Green Party of the United States