Jason Call: I’m running for Congress with the Green Party

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In solidarity,
Green Party of Washington Coordinating Council

From Jason —

I’ve lived in Washington’s 2nd district for nearly half my life. As a lifelong antiwar and climate activist, an organizer, a former elected union leader, and a public school teacher, I’ve had a frontline view of the challenges working families are up against.

Over the years local progressives have tried repeatedly to engage our Congressman on the issues that matter to our community. I went to him both as a constituent and a member of the state Democratic Party leadership. But we couldn’t get Rick Larsen to listen. No matter how we approached him, we just kept hitting a brick wall.

It turns out, that wall was made of money.

The people Rick Larsen DOES listen to are the lobbyists and the corporate PACs – the aviation conglomerates, fossil fuel executives and defense contractors who fund his long political career.

That’s why I decided to run for Congress in 2020. And although we were virtually shut down by a once-in-a-century pandemic, our scrappy grassroots campaign came within 2.4% of winning a spot in Washington’s Top Two nonpartisan primary that year.

So I ran again. In 2022 we raised 3.5 times more money and made headlines as Larsen’s “best funded” opponent. And despite the efforts of some within the Democratic Party establishment to shut us down, we earned broad support among local Democratic clubs and again came within 2.4% of winning the primary.

What’s changed since 2022?

While the climate crisis is accelerating, a Democratic president has issued more drilling permits to Big Oil than Trump did, including the catastrophic Willow Project in protected Alaskan wetlands.

While we ended America’s longest war by withdrawing from Afghanistan, the war machine immediately ramped back up pushing for new conflicts with Russia and China – both nuclear powers – while Democratic lawmakers like my congressman cheered them on.

As a global pandemic raged and took more than a million American lives, the case for universal healthcare was stronger than ever – and I made that case in an op-ed in 2022. But Democrats didn’t even raise the conversation despite controlling the Presidency, House, and Senate.

And during an inflation crisis fueled by corporate greed, a Democratically controlled House and Senate alongside a Democratic president allowed the child tax credit to expire – despite the program’s enormous success in lowering child poverty by half. And they did nothing to punish the corporations who are price-gouging working people at the grocery store and the gas pump.

It became clear to me that I no longer had a home in the Democratic Party – and I registered as a member of the Green Party of Washington State. Now, at the urging of my community and my party, I am once again running for Congress to defeat corporate greed and bring real working-class representation to Washington D.C.

As a member of the Green Party, I will have some advantages in this new race that I didn’t have in 2020 or 2022. This time, my party will be working with me to help our campaign succeed. I’ll have the support of the party’s infrastructure, volunteer base, and strategic advisors – none of which was an option for me as a Democratic challenger.

In 2020 and 2022 we came within 2.4% of winning the primary despite everything we were up against. This time, we’ve got the wind at our backs and a clear, viable path to victory.

I want to be clear. There are only two people who can possibly win this seat in November of 2024 – and it’s either going to be me, or Rick Larsen.

No Republican has any shot of winning in the 2nd district. This community cares deeply about climate action, social justice, and labor rights – all things the Republican Party is inherently opposed to. Since 1965, this district has only been represented by a Republican for 6 years.

Our progressive, working-class community deserves a representative who will fight for working families and a livable future.

My platform hasn’t changed. I’m still running to pass Medicare for All. I’m still fighting for urgent climate action and a fundamental transformation of our economy with a REAL Green New Deal. And unlike my opponent, I’ve never taken a dime of corporate PAC money – and I never will.

So if you supported me in 2020 or 2022, or if you are a new supporter, I’m asking you to join our campaign with a contribution of $24 today.

WHEN (not if) we win this seat, we will make history. I will be the first member of the Green Party elected to federal office and a genuine independent, unbought, working-class voice in Congress.

If you can’t contribute today, I hope you will stick around for campaign updates. There will be plenty of opportunities to volunteer even from outside of Washington, and you can always help by following CallForCongress on every social media platform (see links below) to spread the word!

In solidarity,

– Jason Call


Jason Call is a former public school teacher and lifelong climate activist running for Congress in WA-02. If elected, he will be the first member of the Green Party to serve in federal office. Learn more at callforcongress.com and donate today to help us make history! 

You can follow Jason’s campaign at the links below:

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

Thank you!
Green Party of Washington Coordinating Council

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Join our Green Party organizing group on Loomio!


Green Party Member Emerges Victorious in Seattle Top-Two Primary!

We are thrilled to announce that our preferred candidate for Seattle City Council in District 5, ChrisTiana ObeySumner, has officially emerged victorious in the Top-Two primary election! They will now move on to the general election, where they will face off in a one-on-one contest against the other frontrunner. As we move forward to the general election, ChrisTiana will need your continued support to propel them to victory and make a lasting impact on our community.

Why You Should Support ChrisTiana

ChrisTiana is the CEO and principal consultant of Epiphanies of Equity, a social equity consulting firm specializing in social change, intersectionality, antiracism, and disability justice.

They are a former co-chair of the Seattle Disabilities Commission and former co-chair of the Seattle Renter’s Commission. They also served on the King County Transit Mobility Council, The Washington Low Income Housing Alliance, The Seattle University African American Alumni Association, and the King County Board for Developmental Disabilities Legislative Council.

ChrisTiana’s campaign priorities:

  • Housing Justice
  • Community Safety
  • Addressing the Root Causes of Homelessness

How Can You Make a Difference?

The success of ChrisTiana’s campaign depends on passionate individuals like you who believe in a Green future of sustainability, justice, and solidarity. Together we can build a people’s movement in Seattle and beyond!

To donate, volunteer, or learn more about ChrisTiana’s platform, visit https://www.votechristiana.com/.

Please make a campaign donation! $10, $50, $100, or even up to $300—every amount will help!

Make a donation to ChrisTiana here. 

Thank you!

In solidarity,

Green Party of Washington State 


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Volunteer with the Green Party to support ChrisTiana! –> Join our Green Party organizing group on Loomio!

🌻 #VoteGreen

Statement on Conversation on Reparations

The Green Party of Washington was asked by an endorsed green candidate to provide Zoom access for a conversation on reparations with activists involved in the movement for reparations. The Green Party of Washington was made aware of racist and anti-Semitic comments made in the past by an activist who was invited by another activist to attend this meeting. The Green Party of Washington supports full reparations for all colonized people and encourages conversation on this topic. The opinions expressed by activists in the meeting are not necessarily those of the state party.

We encourage continued discussion on this important topic and ask you to join us on Tuesday, September 19th, 2023 for our monthly reading group discussion on Reparations.