The Green Party of Washington is looking for progressives to run for elected office in 2020!
–> To be considered for Green Party endorsement or preferred candidate status, please download and complete our Candidate Questionnaire:
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If you would like to volunteer to support a Green Party campaign, please let us know!
There are many state and federal offices up for election in 2020, as well as all members of the WA State House of Representatives and half of the members of the State Senate. Candidates at the local level have the best chance of winning, and these local races provide opportunities to build name recognition, a base of support, and the experience of running a campaign.
Green office holders in 23 states and the District of Columbia are hard at work for the voters who elected them. They are creating public policy on important issues including civil rights, a living wage, affordable housing, alternative voting systems, peace, and the environment. They are opposing urban sprawl, fracking, and expansion of corporate power.
Green office holders make an immediate impact on their communities as town council members, county commissioners, and school board members. These Greens reach out to voters of diverse backgrounds and bring together coalitions of community organizations and individuals to begin to reclaim their local governments.
Candidates need to begin their campaigns as early as possible. If you or someone you know is thinking of running, please contact your local Green Party and email to let us know –>
All across the country hundreds of Green Party candidates will be challenging the two corporate parties. This will be a great time for someone to learn the art of running for office, and a smart, energetic person could actually win! We are looking for people who are under-represented in elective office, women, African Americans, Latinx, Asian Americans, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, and other minorities – people from all walks of life and class backgrounds. We are also looking for people to work with candidates as campaign coordinators, fundraisers, and volunteers.
Here’s the official list of offices open for election in 2020.
Candidate filing week is May 11-15, 2020. Here’s a link to Washington State 2020 dates and deadlines.
It’s never too early to begin. Get in touch with your local Green Party and email us today! –> admin@
–> To be considered for Green Party endorsement or preferred candidate status, please download and complete our Candidate Questionnaire:
Word version | PDF version
If you would like to volunteer to support a Green Party campaign, please let us know!
In solidarity,
Campaign Committee,
Green Party of Washington