The Green Party call for candidates in 2020

The Green Party of Washington is looking for progressives to run for elected office in 2020!

–> To be considered for Green Party endorsement or preferred candidate status, please download and complete our Candidate Questionnaire:

Word version | PDF version

If you would like to volunteer to support a Green Party campaign, please let us know!

There are many state and federal offices up for election in 2020, as well as all members of the WA State House of Representatives and half of the members of the State Senate. Candidates at the local level have the best chance of winning, and these local races provide opportunities to build name recognition, a base of support, and the experience of running a campaign.

Green office holders in 23 states and the District of Columbia are hard at work for the voters who elected them. They are creating public policy on important issues including civil rights, a living wage, affordable housing, alternative voting systems, peace, and the environment. They are opposing urban sprawl, fracking, and expansion of corporate power.

Green office holders make an immediate impact on their communities as town council members, county commissioners, and school board members. These Greens reach out to voters of diverse backgrounds and bring together coalitions of community organizations and individuals to begin to reclaim their local governments.

Candidates need to begin their campaigns as early as possible. If you or someone you know is thinking of running, please contact your local Green Party and email to let us know –>

All across the country hundreds of Green Party candidates will be challenging the two corporate parties. This will be a great time for someone to learn the art of running for office, and a smart, energetic person could actually win! We are looking for people who are under-represented in elective office, women, African Americans, Latinx, Asian Americans, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, and other minorities – people from all walks of life and class backgrounds. We are also looking for people to work with candidates as campaign coordinators, fundraisers, and volunteers.

Here’s the official list of offices open for election in 2020.

Candidate filing week is May 11-15, 2020. Here’s a link to Washington State 2020 dates and deadlines.

It’s never too early to begin. Get in touch with your local Green Party and email us today! –>

–> To be considered for Green Party endorsement or preferred candidate status, please download and complete our Candidate Questionnaire:

Word version | PDF version

If you would like to volunteer to support a Green Party campaign, please let us know!

In solidarity,

Campaign Committee,
Green Party of Washington

What next for Bernie supporters?

Senator Bernie Sanders has suspended his 2020 campaign…

Where does that leave you? Perhaps you were a volunteer for and/or donated to his campaign. For the second time in four years, Senator Sanders has courageously taken on the full force of the Democratic Party establishment, seeking that party’s nomination for President, and lost. Where does that leave you, the enthusiastic Bernie supporter now that his campaign is suspended?

You were not simply supporting a person. You were part of a cause: Single-payer healthcare, the rights and economic well-being of the working and middle classes, his Green New Deal, stop endless war, and so much more! The Democratic Party establishment pulled everything out of its arsenal to defeat Senator Sanders’ campaign for one reason: It did not like his platform. It was not about him. It was about what he stood for. Now, that Sanders is defeated, it hardly seems likely the party will embrace whole planks of his platform. Oh, sure, the Democratic nominee will make some concessions for the sake of getting votes in the general election, and – once the election is over – it is likely those campaign promises will expire, regardless of who wins.

So, there you are, a progressive who surely cannot vote Republican, and you seem to feel hope drain from you with the very thought of voting for traditional Democrats. The Green Party of Washington has good news for you! You will likely find much in our platform and in our values that seems “right at home” to you. You need not vote Republican in protest, and you need not accept the Democratic nominee as your own. Why vote for either of the major parties when they continually demonstrate they do not value the things important to you? Remember, the current Democratic front-runner told a room full of very wealthy donors last year that if he was elected, nothing would fundamentally change for them. This means “more of the same” neoliberal domestic policy that generates larger wealth and income gaps, and more degradation of Mother Earth. Deep down, we all know that we cannot afford to head in this direction any longer.

As a progressive, you yearn for change, and so do Greens all over the world. Greens are members of the Green Party in their own countries. Additionally, Green refers to an international movement of Green Parties across the globe. Greens seek to act in harmony with the earth – our source of life and vitality – and, thus, bless all of earth’s inhabitants, human and otherwise. Greens take a holistic approach to framing policy. Greens are not interested in soundbites that sell, but in policies that are, in fact, sound and healthy. Please consider the following facets of the Green Party platform in the United States:

  • Green New Deal – Years before the 2019 legislation sponsored by Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Markey, the Green Party was promoting its Green New Deal. It was an official part of Dr. Jill Stein’s presidential campaigns in 2012 & 2016. Green gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins had a Green New Deal in his campaign in 2010. Greens in the United States took inspiration from Greens in Europe who called for their version of a Green New Deal in 2006. So, this idea that we can renew and bless Mother Earth, and by so doing, renew and bless humanity economically has been around for a while. The centerpiece of this bold plan is to transition to 100-percent clean energy by 2030. Here is a video of Dr. Jill Stein explaining in 2016 how the Green New Deal will create jobs – the right kind of jobs.
  • Healthcare – The Green Party supports single-payer universal health care and preventive care for all. We believe that health care is a right, not a privilege.
  • Livable Income – We affirm the importance of access to a livable income, including…
    • A clear living wage standard should serve as a foundation for trade between nations, and a “floor” of guaranteed wage protections and workers’ rights should be negotiated in future trade agreements. The United States should take the lead on this front — and not allow destructive, predatory corporate practices under the guise of “free” international trade.
  • The Four Pillars of the Green Party Platform:
    • Democracy – We demand public financing of elections, open debates, and more representative voting systems.
    • Social Justice – Falling wages and rising bills are hitting most of us, and the most vulnerable are hit the hardest. We demand a living wage and a real safety net.
    • Ecology – The human cost of climate change is too high. We need to get off fossil fuels and on to renewable energy.
    • Peace – Our country’s long wars and worldwide military presence are immoral and unsustainable. Our military budget must be cut dramatically.
  • The Ten Key Values – The Four Pillars are supported by our Ten Key Values. As a progressive, these values of ours are likely already values of yours. We hope that as you read, you will find a home in the Green Party. We welcome you.
    1. Grassroots Democracy
    2. Social Justice and Equal Opportunity
    3. Ecological Wisdom
    4. Non-violence
    5. Decentralization
    6. Community-based Economics
    7. Feminism and Gender Equity
    8. Respect for Diversity
    9. Personal and Global Responsibility
    10. Future Focus and Sustainability

Our platform may be found at:

Learn more and join us! –>

#WeAreGreen #VoteGreen2020 #DemExit #GreenEnter

Green Party Presidential Primary

The Green Party’s presidential primary in Washington State is coming up soon!

Is your Green Party membership up to date?

New members must join the Green Party of Washington by April 23, 2020 to participate in our nominating process for president and down ballot candidates.

Returning members and those whose membership has lapsed can renew their membership any time before our online Spring Gathering on May 23rd.

All votes will be cast by Green Party members on a ranked-choice ballot sent out via email (or postal mail) after the Gathering.

Membership is free for those experiencing economic hardship at this time.

To join the Green Party of Washington or to check if your membership is up-to-date –>

We have no party registration in Washington State. You may vote in the Green Party primary as long as you are a Green Party member in good standing.

Links to candidates websites and questionnaires and the latest campaign news for the 2020 Green Party Presidential candidates.

Unofficial Wikipedia results and pledges to date for the Green Party Presidential primary.

WA Secretary of State regulations on the “convention process” for minor parties presidential nominations, and update regarding initiative and referendum signature gathering during COVID-19.

Proclamation by WA Governor Inslee — ‘Maintaining Access to the Ballot for All Candidates‘ — waives signature gathering requirements for congressional, statewide, and local candidates to appear on the August 4th, 2020 primary ballot.

Note: Governor Inslee’s proclamation does not waive signature gathering requirements for minor party presidential nominees to appear on the General Election ballot.

🌻 #WeAreGreen #VoteGreen #RankedChoiceVoting