About the Green Party

The Green Party is different because we are governed by our principles and values. Unlike the old political parties, we do not accept — and are not influenced by — corporate cash. Our platform is based on our values of peace, sustainability, grassroots democracy, and justice for all. We aim to broaden the scope of political discourse and reshape the political process.

green party world logoGreens Around the World

The Green Party is active in 90 countries and a partner in several governing coalitions in Europe. Greens hold 291 seats in national governments and thousands of local seats, as well as 46 out of 784 seats in the European Parliament.

Greens in the USA

The Green Party of the United States (GPUS) is a federation of state Green Parties and has been growing since 1984. There are statewide Green Party affiliates in 44 states and the District of Columbia, with 150 Greens holding elected office in 25 states. Contact GPUS at www.gp.org.

Greens in Washington State

GPWA was officially formed in 2000, and our goal is a statewide network of local Green Parties. Working together, we can make our voices heard and translate our values into action — improving our lives and our communities and creating a better world for future generations.

Green Party Issues

The Green Party supports grassroots citizen movements on a wide variety of issues. Greens have mobilized around climate change, single-payer health care, ending corporate personhood, sustainable energy sources, ending the drug war, rights for all (including marital and reproductive rights), election reforms, and strong, self-sustaining local communities. We must have more options to increase voter participation, particularly for those who feel disenfranchised. We must create alliances and change the rules that currently benefit large corporations and the wealthy.

Alternative Party Accomplishments

Although third parties in the U.S. haven’t elected a president, they have championed many ideas that have become central to our way of life including the abolition of slavery, women’s suffrage, unemployment insurance, worker’s compensation, pure food and drug laws, ending child labor, social security, and direct election of U.S. senators. The popularity of these programs from the Socialist Party, the Progressive Party, the Farmer-Labor Party, and the Populist Party made it necessary for other parties to adopt them.