Stein Recount Support Statement

The 2016 general election has left many of us deeply shaken. We are more aware than ever that the entire US elections process does not represent all of our voices; from state caucuses, to primaries, to debate and ballot access, and to voting methods. And now to witness the egregious cost and road blocks we face to have the accuracy of our votes verified. It is a bedrock crisis for true democracy which should be both fair and free.

After election integrity watchdog groups discovered many states met specific criteria for possible election irregularities, Jill Stein was the only candidate who accepted the commitment to the US citizens to ensure their votes were accurately counted. Not for Donald, not for Hillary, not for Jill, but for each of us who voted and for those who should have been allowed to vote. Her quick decision to act allowed for the recounts to occur in those flagged states where she also had the legal right to file and where filing deadlines had not past. And the citizens clearly spoke with an equally quick and vast response of small donations to meet the costs involved.

In light of this, the Green Party of Washington State fully supports Jill Stein’s decision to pursue the recounts. It reflects our values and principles for election integrity and grassroots democracy representing each and every citizen.

Posted in News.