Statewide Initiatives
Vote No on I-2066
Vote No on I-2109
Vote No on I-2117
Vote No on I-2124
U.S. President / Vice President
Jill Stein / Rudolph Ware (Green Party)
Federal Candidates
U.S. Senator: The Green Party has no preferred candidate in this race.
U.S. Representatives: The Green Party has no preferred candidates in these races, except as listed below:
U.S. Representative, Congressional District 9:
Melissa Chaudhry for US Representative – Congressional District 9
[Melissa Chaudhry is not running with the Green Party or endorsed by the Green Party. She is our preferred candidate.]
Statewide and Legislative Candidates
The following statewide and legislative candidates are not running with the Green Party or endorsed by the Green Party. They are listed as our preferred candidates:
Commissioner of Public Lands:
The Green Party encourages a vote for Dave Upthegove for Commissioner of Public Lands.
Insurance Commissioner:
The Green Party encourages a vote for Patty Kuderer for Insurance Commissioner.
State Representative, District 43, Position 2:
While not a Green Party member, Shaun Scott is running as a community organizer and is aligned with the Green Party’s 10 Key Values. The Green Party encourages a vote for Shaun Scott for State Representative.
Other State Legislative Positions: The Green Party has no preferred candidates in these races.
Vote YES on Proposition 1 – Keep Seattle Moving! – Transportation Levy, City of Seattle
Consider endorsements and supporters of the following organizations:
Looking for endorsements or Green Party write-in candidates?