Now that the dust is settling around the presidential election, it’s become apparent that the Green vote – and Green issues – gained a lot of ground this year.
In short, our movement scored several victories!
Ballot Access – We maintained ballot lines in 12 states thanks to voters casting over 1.2 million votes for Jill and Ajamu. (We are on the ballot in many other states as a result of Green Party voter registration). In all, we now have ballot lines in 21 states!
Marijuana legalization – California, Massachusetts and Nevada all passed marijuana legalization (recreational and medical for those 21 years or older). Marijuana for medical use was also approved in Florida, North Dakota, and Arkansas.
Minimum Wage – In Alabama, Colorado, and Maine, the minimum wage will increase to $12 by 2020; in Washington, the minimum wage will increase to $13.50 by 2020.
Repealing Citizens United – Washington state passed initiative 735 and California passed Proposition 59 calling for a constitutional amendment to abolish the illegitimate, court-created concepts of “corporate constitutional rights” and “money equals political speech.”
District of Columbia – A resolution in favor of DC statehood passed.
Ranked-Choice Voting – Maine and Benton County, Oregon both adopted measures approving Ranked-Choice Voting.
Standing Rock/DAPL – In this election, we also participated in the growing movement at Standing Rock being led by indigenous people.
We were the only presidential campaign to stand in solidarity with the water protectors, and Jill and Ajamu were the only Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates to actually go and lend their support. The campaign also sent a delegation for an entire week.
We’re proud of that record.
Also, Greens were elected at the local level! We elected 3 Greens in Minnesota, 5 in Michigan, 10 to 13 in California, and 1 in Florida!