The Green Party of Washington State supports ChrisTiana ObeySumner as a preferred candidate for Seattle City Council in District 5.
ChrisTiana is the CEO and principal consultant of Epiphanies of Equity, a social equity consulting firm that specializes in social change, intersectionality, antiracism, and disability justice.
They are a former co-chair of the Seattle Disabilities Commission and former co-chair of the Seattle Renter’s Commission. They have also served on the King County Transit Mobility Council, The Washington Low Income Housing Alliance, The Seattle University African American Alumni Association, and the King County Board for Developmental Disabilities Legislative Council.
ChrisTiana’s campaign priorities:
- Housing Justice
- Community Safety
- Addressing the Root Causes of Homelessness
Website, Media, and Endorsements:
Twitter: @CObeySumner
Instagram: @votechristiana4d5
Facebook: @votechristiana
Social Equity Consultant ChrisTiana ObeySumner Wants Your Vote (The Stranger)