Please join us for this introduction to ranked-choice voting at the Orcas Island Odd Fellows Hall in Eastsound. Local FairVote Washington lead Liz Smith of Friday Harbor and FairVote Washington Chair Lisa Ayrault will be there to answer all your questions about this simple, non-partisan voting reform. FairVote Washington is a non-partisan non-profit led by volunteers who want to improve our democracy for all citizens. ALL are welcome at this event! Bring your friends. For more info, you can contact Liz Smith at
This is one of three similar presentations in the San Juan Islands:
Sunday, January 12 at 2pm: Orcas Island Odd Fellows Hall
Sunday, January 12 at 7pm: San Juan Island Grange Hall #966
Monday, January 13 at 7pm: Huddle Lopez at the Lopez Island Golf Club
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