Join us in Bellingham as we get together to make postcards, call, and email our legislators in support of FairVote Washington’s Local Options Bill!
The Local Options Bill, which would allow local jurisdictions to use Ranked-Choice Voting, is coming back before the State Legislature this session, starting January 13, 2020. We’re hearing that lawmakers are busy, busy, and they need to hear from us to make this legislation a priority!
This evening is a great opportunity to learn about ways to move Ranked-Choice Voting forward. We’ll provide instructions, postcards, stamps, addresses, snacks, drinks, internet access, and writing suggestions. You come with a pen, laptop, phone, ideas and a belief that change is possible. Bring a friend and let’s support each other in bringing fundamental, positive change to our elections. Newcomers and people of all political backgrounds are welcome to join in!
You don’t have to RSVP, but you can let us know you’re coming here: