You are invited to attend our Green Party of Washington Winter Gathering — an informal discussion and social event.
At the start of the Gathering, from 7 PM to 7:15 PM, our featured speaker Dr. Jill Stein will share an update on her campaign for the Green Party Presidential nomination and answer questions from attendees.
Jason Call, Green Party Candidate for Congress in WA-02 will also share updates from his campaign.
Be sure to register for the Green Party Winter Gathering in advance!
You are invited to attend our Green Party of Washington Winter Gathering — an informal discussion and social event.
At the start of the Gathering, from 7 PM to 7:15 PM, our featured speaker Dr. Jill Stein will share an update on her campaign for the Green Party Presidential nomination and answer questions from attendees.
Jason Call, Green Party Candidate for Congress in WA-02 will also share updates from his campaign.
Be sure to register for the Green Party Winter Gathering in advance!
Sunday, Dec 17, 2023, at 07:00 PM Pacific Time
Register here:
All are welcome to join us!