💚 First Tuesday of June 💚
Join our GPSEA June meeting by phone, tablet or computer via Zoom:
When – Tuesday, June 2, 2020. 6 pm – 8 pm.
Why – Check in with the Seattle Greens.
Agenda – Building Left Unity!
Green Party of Washington State Presidential Primary debrief.
Seattle-area Legislative District races.
Votes on who the GPSEA preferred candidates will be next month.
* Here’s a good start — https://www.sheraeforstate.com/ *
Where – Your Place. Via phone, tablet, or computer.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 766 347 2388
Password: Green
Help Needed.
Do you like to run meetings, plan events, write web content, send out emails, write up minutes, track membership, answer emails, moderate facebook, table, demonstrate, campaign, go on road trips to Olympia, sit in on Seattle City Council commentaries or “be Seen being Green”?
Let’s discuss it Tuesday night friends.
Paste in your browser or use the Zoom App: https://www.zoom.us/https://www.zoom.us/
More about how to use Zoom: