We must halt environmental destruction while providing a better quality of life for everyone on Earth.
Since our hope has been that alternative energy can replace fossil fuels, it can be overwhelming to learn of its limitations.
How real are concerns with nuclear, solar, wind, and hydro-power? How can overcoming capitalism help attain the social justice and shorter work week that humanity needs?
Come and hear from:
– Joan McKiernan from the Broome Tioga Green Party
– Katie Singer with Reports on Our Digital Footprint
– Stan Cox from The Land Institute
– Omali Yeshitela, Chairman, African People’s Socialist Party
– Don Fitz from the Green Party of St. Louis.
Moderator: Delilah Barrios from the Green Party Latinx Caucus.
This webinar will explore core issues involved in creating a better world while using vastly less energy and producing what we need for a brighter future.
The webinar is NO COST, but you need to REGISTER to attend. Register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMkduyrrD0sH9zpNMVQ6GraMf-j7jxSA2eW
Cosponsors: include the African National Women’s Organization, African People’s Socialist Party, Attack the System, Broome Tioga Green Party, Black Community Control of the Police, Climate Council of Greater Kansas City, CODEPINK, Gateway Green Alliance, Green Party Albuquerque Metro Area, Green Party of Kansas City, Green Party Latinx Caucus, Green Party of Minnesota, Green Party of New York, Green Party of Pennsylvania, Green Party of San Diego, Green Party of Virginia, Green Party of Washington, Green Party Peace Action Committee, Green Social Thought, Humanity’s Last Stand, Indiana Green Party, Lynne Stewart Organization, NAACP, New Abolitionist Movement, North Carolina Green Party, Pacific Green Party of Oregon, Reports on Our Digital Footprint, Shia Islamic Education Center, Solidarity, Uhuru Solidarity Movement, Universal African Peoples Organization, US-Cuba Normalization Coalition, and Young EcoSocialists.