Regular Monthly Meeting of the Green Party of Seattle.
Green Party Members, supporters, and friends welcome!
Online Zoom meeting – to join meeting, click or paste this link in your browser:
Meeting ID: 363 196 759
Agenda: Regular business. City and State actions
Emergency preparedness
Initiatives – statewide (Whole Washington) and local (Tax Amazon!)
Agenda items to add? Let us know!
Check website for any updates –>
Please get ready to run for a Coordinating Committee position at GPSEA in Spring!
Need to update your GPSEA Membership status?
We finally have the link up to do that!
First Join GPWA (Green Party of Washington State).
Go to the website and under GET INVOLVED there is a membership link. Once you are in the members area there is a drop down menu with the heading JOIN A CHAPTER. Green Party of Seattle is a chapter of Green Party of Washington State.