Due to the cornavirus, we’ll be meeting every first Saturday of the month at 9 am over Zoom until further notice!
RSVP for one (or all!) of our upcoming Zoom meetings here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEufuqgrTIrHtzE6RfmTBUfFiU0fJ51Zi7i
Join fellow ranked-choice voting (RCV) supporters for our monthly meetup in South Sound!
We will keep the agenda flexible based on our attendees. Bring your devices, your creativity and your passion to make RCV a reality in Washington State. Potential topics will include: sharing updates about state and national efforts, reviewing RCV basics, planning RCV outreach events for our chapter, letter writing and training/practicing for canvassing.
Come with a friend or make some new friends. All are welcome, no need to live in Thurston County to participate. The ranked-choice voting movement is growing and we need you! RSVP is not necessary, but it helps us to plan accordingly. Please feel free to contact Betsy or Becky with agenda suggestions or questions at thurstonchapter@fairvotewa.org. Hope to see you there!